地下闘技場 The Underground Arena
(地下闘技場 朝)
Underground Arena | Morning
バルタザール: おお! 地下闘技場たあ、ユーリス。お前、良い場所知ってんじゃねえか!
Balthus: Wow. An underground arena, huh? You sure know some great spots, Yuri.
ユーリス: この辺りに昔、闘技場があったって話を街の年寄りから聞いてたんでね。
Yuri: I heard about this place from someone back in town. It hasn’t been in use for a long time.
I figured it could prove useful, so I spent some time clearing out the debris that was blocking the entrance.
ディミトリ: ここは……遺構を再利用したもののようだが元々は、広間か何かだったのだろうか。
Dimitri: It seems to be a revitalized ruin… Perhaps it was originally a reception hall or something similar.
エーデルガルト: そうかもしれないわね。アビスは……ある種の遺跡のようだもの。
Edelgard: Perhaps. Honestly, all of Abyss feels like a ruin.
コンスタンツェ: ふふふっ、これだけの広さがあれば、私も加減せずに戦えるというものですわね!
Constance: Ahaha! This place is magnificent! It is just spacious enough to contain my glory! I shall not hold back here!
ハピ: ハピもここならため息ついていーじゃん。
Hapi: Large. Isolated. I wonder if it would be OK for me to sigh here…
Byleth: ため息? Sigh?
バルタザール: こいつがため息をつくとだな、魔物がぶっ飛んでくんのさ。喩え話じゃねえぞ。
Balthus: If Hapi sighs, monsters come running. No, I’m not kidding.
エーデルガルト: 魔物が、ぶっ飛んでくる……?どういうことなのか気になるけれど……。
Edelgard: I’m not sure what you could possibly mean by that…
ユーリス: あー、とにかく絶対にため息は駄目だ。コンスタンツェも暴れるのは程々に。
Yuri: I wish, Hapi, but no. Absolutely no sighing. And, Constance, be glorious in moderation.
Understood? This place is so big that if it collapses, all of Abyss will fall with it.
The whole reason we’re luring our enemies here is to avoid damaging Abyss. Don’t lose sight of that.
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほ!承知していますわよ、その程度のこと!
Constance: I am well aware of our aim!
バルタザール: お前のそれは当てにならねえんだよなあ。
Balthus: Sure, but that doesn’t mean we can trust you to show restraint.
Choice 1: 心配だ I’m concerned.
Choice 2: 暴れ過ぎないように Don’t get carried away.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方までそんなことを仰るの!?まったく信じられませんわ!
Constance: You as well?! I cannot fathom why I am being treated in such a way.
It is the duty of the nobility to preserve the people’s safety.
Do you truly believe I would destroy Abyss in my efforts to save it? Perposterous!
ハピ: そんなことになったら、アルフさんにも迷惑かかっちゃうしね。
Hapi: That would cause trouble for Elfie too.
If the underground collapses, he’s the one who will have to answer for it.
Byleth: アルフさん? Who is Elfie?
バルタザール: 上で会ったことはねえのか? 教団のお偉いさんの一人だが、アビスの味方なのさ。
Balthus: You must know Aelfric, yeah? He’s a big wig in the church, but a friend of Abyss.
He’s the one who opened up this place to folks with nowhere else to turn. Folks like us. He gave us a home, a new life.
コンスタンツェ: ご存知かもしれませんけれど、灰狼の学級の設立を提案したのもアルファルド様ですわ。
Constance: It is Aelfric himself who put forth the idea of establishing the Ashen Wolf House.
Sadly, he faces opposition within the church, and so he cannot openly deploy the knights to aid us.
ユーリス: そういうわけで、ここを守る上での頼りは、俺たちと……そしてあんたらの力だけだ。
Yuri: That means Aelfric relies upon us to protect the people who live here. Us...and now you.
I hope you’re ready, Professor. We’re counting on you.
Choice 1: 先生……? Professor?
コンスタンツェ: 貴方、士官学校の教師なのですわよね?
Constance: You are a professor at the Officers Academy, are you not?
You may not be our instructor, but I cannot think of a more fitting title to call you.
ハピ: ってことで、お世話になるからね。
Hapi: Seems like you’re with us now. We’ll owe you one.
Choice 2: 任せてほしい We won’t let you down.
ハピ: 頼もしいじゃん。じゃーすっかりお世話になるからね。
Hapi: Reliable, aren't you? We'll owe you one.
バルタザール: おれたちを敵に回す恐ろしさ、骨身に叩き込んでやろうぜえ!
Balthus: Time to knock some sense into their thick skulls. They picked the wrong strangers to mess with!